
This is the perfect diet plan for individuals looking to cut that last bit of extra and stubborn weight or even for those who are looking to quickly reduce their body fat percentage.


The Casual diet is for people wanting to learn more about nutrition and improve their life without having to restrict their diet too much.


Suitable for those of you that would like to gain some weight healthily while adding muscle quickly, aiding your workout plan to become your best self.


Crusader and Cut

£89.98 £39.99

Crusader and Cut

£89.98 £39.99

This product contains information about the Crusader diet along the Cut workout plan, with the additional benefit of weekly workout reviews along with your weekly diet reviews.


Colossal and Bulk

£89.98 £39.99

Colossal and Bulk

£89.98 £39.99

This product contains information about the Colossal diet along with the Bulk workout plan, with the additional benefit of weekly workout reviews along with your weekly diet reviews.